ALAS wants to assure all volunteers and patients that no one who is under any form of criminal investigation is authorized to work with members of vulnerable populations or provide educational services under the umbrella of or in conjunction with ALAS.



At first, it was just a group of doctors and volunteers who volunteered together to provide free health services. Today, our volunteers now include medical students and members of the community who provide translation and have bonded together to expand these services.


Choosing to inspire for a stronger community and a healthier way of life.

In its beginnings, ALAS was a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of life and promoting the wellbeing of Hispanics and other underserved adult populations in the Central River Savannah Area (CSRA). Today, we continue to provide these same services and have been able to expand our health programs to other medical needs and specialties. As we strive to continue closing the gaps between our community needs, our services and programs continue to grow as well.


Unified by a love for the community and the people who live in it.

As the community continues to grow, so does our vision to provide better services and a more adequate space to grow our services and programs. With the help of the City of Augusta, we have been able to acquire a building that will be our future Centro Médico, an achievement that will enable us to make all these dreams a reality.


Connecting through cohabitation and shared experience.

Thanks to our many volunteers, we continue to provide services free to the community. All who come through our doors—doctors, medical students, interpreters, teachers, and more—are volunteers.